Baltimore Mayor Scott: Americans’ Guns ‘Outweigh the Sanctity of Americans’ Lives’

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott said Monday on “CNN This Morning” that Americans value their guns more than their fellow citizens’ lives.

Scott said, “Well, my community knows this. We know that when you think about this country and the history of mass shootings, most of the time when we talk about this, we’re talking about it being a school in a rural community or a suburban white community. When it happens in Baltimore or Chicago or D.C., it doesn’t get that same attention. These black American lives, children’s lives matter just as much as anyone else. We’re just asking for all of them to be treated the same.”

He continued, “Any mass shooting, anytime anyone is murdered with an illegal gun in this country, should be treated the same because it should not happen in the country that is the leader of the free world. But it does, because we as a country still allow the sanctity of Americans’ guns to outweigh the sanctity of Americans’ lives, and particularly American children’s lives, and that is something that we have to change.”

Scott added, “No one is saying that people shouldn’t be able to have their right to have weapons. But for those who shouldn’t have them it shouldn’t be easier for a young person to get a gun than it is for me to go to CVS and buy my allergy medication.”

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