House Intel. Chair: COVID Origin Info Biden Refuses to Release Despite Law Paints ‘Very, Very Different’ Picture than What They’ve Released 

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) stated that the Biden administration missed a statutory deadline to declassify information on the origins of COVID-19 and said that the classified intelligence that he has seen would surprise people, because it paints a picture that “is very, very different than what the administration released publicly.” Turner also stated that there are multiple things that point to a lab leak being the origin of the virus.

Turner said, “I think there [are] a number of things that lend [themselves] to the conclusion that this was a lab leak. As you know, Congress voted unanimously to require the administration to declassify the information that it had on the COVID origins. They were just supposed to release that June [18] and missed that date. We’re pressing them now to make that information publicly available. I’ve seen most of the classified portions of the report that the president had ordered and the 90-day review. And in that, I think people are going to be surprised, because that report is very, very different than what the administration released publicly. They’re going to have a greater picture and I think this is going to help us get to the bottom of it.”

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