Dem Rep. Sorensen: Banning Biological Men from Women’s Sports Says Some Can’t ‘Learn what It Means to Be Athletic’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal,” Rep. Eric Sorensen (D-IL) argued that banning biological men from playing in women’s sports is saying that some people “shouldn’t be able to learn what a team is,” “learn what setting goals are,” or that they “shouldn’t be able to learn what it means to be athletic.”

Host John McArdle said, “Our previous guest, Rep. French Hill (R-AR), was asked about this, and he said there [are] two sort of issues that Americans are grappling with on this topic that he thinks [draw]  a lot of attention: transgender athletes in sports and how to handle that, and the idea of when it’s appropriate for transgender youths to start seeking hormone therapies or other therapies to change their bodies to become what they are.”

Sorensen responded, “Well, first things first, we have to understand that bans in sports, we’re basically [saying] that some kids shouldn’t be able to learn what a team is, some kids shouldn’t learn what setting goals are, or some kids shouldn’t be able to learn what it means to be athletic. That’s wrong, period, full stop. And then, number two, is…the government shouldn’t be making decisions on health care.”

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