On Monday’s broadcast of Fox News Radio’s “Brian Kilmeade Show,” author and Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin said that the State Department is doing “exactly what the Chinese want” by burying the FBI report on the Chinese spy balloon scheduled for release last month and that China has decided “we’ll just not engage with you until you come begging, which is exactly what’s happening.”

Rogin stated, [relevant remarks begin around 53:10] “Where’s the FBI report, Brian? I mean, the FBI did a report. They were supposed to release it in April. Where is it? What happened to it? Well, if you believe the Reuters reporting, and I do, the State Department buried it because they want to get back to Beijing. And that’s exactly what the Chinese want. They want us to stop criticizing all of their genocide and all of their military aggression, menacing of Taiwan, and spying, in order — so that we can make nice. This is like the old fetishization of engagement. If you still read half the newspapers in Washington, they’ll be like, oh, it’s so great that we’re engaging, oh yeah, we’ve got to avoid the cold war and we’ve got to stop World War III. But once you make engagement the thing that your strategy is pointed at, well, the Chinese know that playbook and they’re like, okay, great, we’ll just not engage with you until you come begging, which is exactly what’s happening.”

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