On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” CNBC Contributor and former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) argued that President Joe Biden is eventually going to have to make some concessions on the debt ceiling and that the White House bet the House wouldn’t pass a bill, but since they have, “it’s up to Biden” to respond now.

Heitkamp said, “[E]ventually, I think they’re going to have to reach a deal and we’re going to have to come to the middle. And the question is, is this something that the Republicans accomplish and the Democrats can accomplish working together? And I think there [are] no heroes of this story, but the real villains will be if we can’t see people coming together to fashion a result to basically avoid this crisis.”

She added, “I think, left to his own device[s],” Biden would “probably cut a deal.”

Heitkamp further stated, “I think they were betting that McCarthy would not have been able to get something out of the House. I think the posture was, look, we’ll see what you have. Now McCarthy’s been able to deliver a bargaining position, then it’s up to Biden to respond, I think.”

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