On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) stated that there are more Chinese police stations in the U.S. designed to harass people who criticize the Chinese Communist Party and he’s stunned it took as long as it did to act against them since they’ve been known about for a long time.

Host Jake Tapper asked, “Are there any more of these police stations set up in the U.S. that are essentially operating on behalf of the Chinese government to harass people here in the U.S. who are dissidents, who are critical of the Chinese government?”

Moulton responded, “Yes, my understanding is that there are, and it’s really — I mean, just step back…for a second, Jake, this is absolutely absurd that the Chinese Communist Party thinks that they can set up their own police station in a place like New York City. Imagine you or [me] taking our families on vacation in a foreign country and getting harassed by the FBI, being tracked for what we’re saying or what we’re doing in a foreign country on vacation. The heroes of this story, of course, are the Chinese dissidents, these Chinese Americans who actually have the courage to speak out against the Chinese Communist Party and their authoritarian regime, and they’re getting harassed just for being American citizens and exercising their freedoms.”

Later, Moulton added, “We’ve heard about these police stations existing for a while. And I’m frankly shocked that it’s taken us this long to take them out. I think that we need to take a much harder line against this, because, again, when you step back from this situation, step back from the details and just the idea that the Chinese Communist Party thinks they can have a police station in America is totally absurd, and we’ve got to put a stop to it.”

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