Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said Tuesday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends” that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s potential indicting of former President Donald Trump is a “bunch of B.S.” that will blow up the country.

Co-host Brian Kilmeade asked, “Are you concerned about District Attorney Bragg, Alvin Bragg indicting President Trump next week in an unpredicted way and the circus there would be around that?”

Graham said, “Yeah, it will blow up our country, and this is a bunch of B.S. You’ve had the prosecutor before, Bragg. Mr. Vance looked at the case and passed on it. You had the U.S. attorney in New York say, ‘I won’t do it federally.’ There was an intervening cause other than Trump running. One of the guys in the D.A.’s Office wrote a book very critical of Vance, ‘You should have prosecuted Trump, you let him off,’ and Bragg feels that pressure. He is a George Soros-backed prosecutor. He can’t take the heat, so the guy is yielding to political pressure generated by the former prosecutor. And this is a case without merit, in my view. Donald Trump will be the only person in the history of New York prosecuted under this theory.”

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