Kinzinger: When They Go Head to Head ‘Trump Will Start Wiping the Floor with Ron DeSantis’

Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), now a CNN contributor, said Tuesday on “The Situation Room” that if former President Donald Trump goes head to head with Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), “Trump will start wiping the floor with Ron DeSantis.”

Anchor Wolf Blitzer asked, “Adam, your fellow Republicans are more interested in a nominee that shares their positions rather than someone that they think will beat Joe Biden. As a Republican, does that concern you?”

Kinzinger said, “Well, I mean, it depends. I think right now, the majority of Republicans, for instance, support Ukraine. That number changes because they don’t hear from Republican leaders who support Ukraine because they’re, for some reason, scared to talk about it, with a few exceptions. They’re only hearing from Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, and now Ron DeSantis, who says we don’t need to get involved in territorial disputes. So that makes me question what’s his position on Taiwan and China for things like that.”

He continued, “I think DeSantis’ advantage right now is, he’s kind of like anybody that’s ready to move on from Trump, he kind of gives people an out like yeah, I’m still cool, I want to own the libs, but it’s time to move on from Trump. The problem is, I don’t think that Ron DeSantis has the personality that Trump has, and as they go head to head, I really expect that Donald Trump will start wiping the floor with Ron DeSantis in terms of that.”

Kinzinger added, “I think there’s a real lane here for somebody that wants to be kind of a traditional conservative Republican if you will, but unfortunately, somebody like a Ron DeSantis is just trying to be Trump-lite,”

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