Noem: Central Bank Digital Currency Paving the Way for Federal Control of Currency to Control People

Friday on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) decried legislation passed by the South Dakota Legislature to update the definition of currency to include cryptocurrency and digital current.

Noem said she vetoed the bill because it threatened to open the door for federal control of people.

“We started reading through this bill that was over 110 pages long,” she said. “It was sold as an update to the guidelines of the Universal Commercial Code backed by all of our financial institutions, our banks. As we started reading through it, we saw the section of the bill that changed the definition of currency, and essentially what it did was paved the way for a government-led [Central Bank Digital Currency], and it also banned any other form of cryptocurrency or Bitcoin or digital currency that existed. So for me, it very clearly was a threat to our freedom. In South Dakota, we are the session that completes its business earliest in the year. We are the first ones to really look at this bill and find out the truth of what’s in it, and I did veto that bill.”

“I’m asking my legislators to change their minds, to make the right decision and help me kill this bill once and for all,” Noem continued. “But I’m telling you, Tucker. We’ve got the same language coming to over 20 other States. I believe it’s to pave a way for the federal government to control our currency and thus control people. It should be alarming to everyone, and it’s being sold as a UCC Guidelines Update. There is no rush to do this. We need to be smart and make sure that we’re doing what we can to protect people. I find it ironic that we also are having this discussion at the same time we have banks and credit card companies talking about coding gun and ammunition in a separate code so they can track it.”

“So not only can they tie these two issues together, if the government doesn’t approve of what you’re purchasing, if they have the only form of digital currency out there that is endorsed and utilized in the country, they can control how you spend that money and thus, take away all your freedom,” she added.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


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