Blackburn: Biden Should Threaten China with Sanctions over COVID Origin Cover-up, Fentanyl

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) called for President Joe Biden to threaten China with sanctions unless they are transparent about the origins of the coronavirus and stop fentanyl precursors from being produced in China.

Blackburn said, “Well, the Biden administration, unfortunately, has shown that they will not challenge the Chinese Communist Party. That is a disservice to the American people, not only on this issue, but on fentanyl and TikTok and other issues. But John, they should be very forthright in saying, if you do not come forward with this, sanctions are going to be taking place. And they should be forceful in this, just as Joe Biden should call Xi Jinping and say, you stop shipping this fentanyl into our country or there will be sanctions. Challenge them. Last year, we had a $1 trillion trade deficit with China, a trillion dollars. They had the best year they have ever had. Let them know you’re going to cut that out, that that is no longer going to take place, get active with reshoring these jobs, pick up our defense with Taiwan and helping Taiwan to prepare, help these other island nations to prepare and push back on China’s bullying.”

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