On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) stated that the unclassified version of the Biden administration’s assessment of the intelligence on the origins of the coronavirus “does not accurately reflect the administration’s own statements in their classified report.” Turner also argued that the classified version should be and can be released without any danger and that the administration’s dismissal of the lab leak theory “has sort of stymied the efforts of getting to the bottom of this.”

Turner said, “[T]he Biden administration, from the beginning, started their 90-day assessment of this and then issued a classified and an unclassified version of their report, we’ve said this publicly, it’s been on our Intelligence Committee website, we believe that the unclassified report released by the administration does not accurately reflect the administration’s own statements in their classified report. We have called repeatedly for them to release the classified report. We think there’s no danger in it being out there and it would show what you’re now seeing is the beginning of leaks and really chips in that armor of the administration’s spokespersons beginning to say, well, there’s actually significant evidence this was a lab leak. And I certainly think that, in the end, when you look at all of the evidence, it’s very hard to conclude otherwise, that it was not a lab leak.”

He added, “I think the administration discounting it has sort of stymied the efforts of getting to the bottom of this.”

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