On Wednesday’s “Sean Hannity Show,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) stated that Attorney General Merrick Garland has failed to prosecute people who protested in front of the homes of Supreme Court justices in the summer of 2022 despite the fact that the protests were widely publicized and there are pictures and videos of those who took part in the protests and arresting the perpetrators would be extremely easy “because Merrick Garland is sympathetic to those protestors in favor of abortion.”

Cotton said, “We recently had Merrick Garland, the Attorney General, in front of one of my committees, and I pointed out that we had left-wing protestors in front of justices’ homes last summer and not a single one has been arrested and charged with an offense. And these are not criminal masterminds. They advertised these protests in advance, which are plainly a violation of federal law. They posted videos and pictures of themselves on their social media accounts. It would take an agent today probably just a couple of hours to identify some of them and go arrest them and charge them with this offense. Yet, not a single arrest and charge has happened because Merrick Garland is sympathetic to those protestors in favor of abortion.”

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