On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Orange County, Florida Sheriff John Mina (D) stated that the individual who is suspected of killing three people in Orlando earlier this week was “emboldened” by not being held accountable for the crimes he committed as a juvenile and “other juveniles and young adults” have gotten the impression that crime doesn’t have any consequences.
Co-host Brian Kilmeade asked, “[I]t’s hard to imagine the horror and the reaction in the area since this shooting took place. What can we do about juveniles who are clearly on a route to being career criminals having their record expunged at 18?”
Mina answered, “Well, first, I give my — offer my condolences to all the victims and their families, and it really has hit this community hard. But, in that respect, our criminal justice system needs to be changed. Here’s an adult now, but when he was a juvenile, he committed several crimes and he really has not been held accountable. So, what this has done, it’s emboldened him and other juveniles and young adults, that, hey, if you’re arrested 19 times and nothing happens, there [are] no consequences. So, we’re not holding these juveniles accountable.”
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