Schweizer: Alleged Biden Corruption Begs Question About a Possible Chinese Intelligence Operation

During an appearance on FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer weighed in on the corruption allegations tied to President Joe Biden and his family, including son Hunter Biden, who apparently played a prominent role in the alleged wrongdoing.

Schweizer told host Maria Bartiromo that the evidence continued to mount and pointed to the dealings ties to the Chinese spy apparatus.

“Look, I think the investigation is ongoing,” he replied. “I think the evidence continues to mount. The Biden team will not answer a basic question, which is when it comes to China, for example, you have three Chinese businessmen that funneled tens of millions of dollars to you. Each one of those three – Chay Feng, Henry Zhao, Chairman Ye – all had direct abiding and deep ties to Chinese intelligence when they were arranging these ideals for the Bidens. And that is not me saying that. That’s according to Hong Kong corporate records. They were business partners with the vice minister of state security, who is responsible for foreign recruitment of spies. They were business partners with a former family of the director of the ministry for state security, which runs the entire spy apparatus. In the case of Chairman Ye, they actually worked as part of the spy apparatus.”

“So what I would say some intrepid journalist needs to go to Jim Clapper and these other 50 intelligence experts and ask them does this not have the hallmark of a Chinese intelligence operation?” Schweizer continued. “And if I think they gave you an honest answer, the answer would be yes.”

Bartiromo asked if possible money laundering was part of the investigation, given there was an alleged gift of a diamond.

“They’re looking at money laundering,” Schweizer said. “They are looking at FARA violations. They are looking at political corruption. But I think really the intelligence component of this – a lot of people defending the Biden family are saying, ‘Well, show us the crime, show us the crime,’ which, of course, is a ridiculous standard. The question is: Is the family compromised? And you’re talking about the flow of money – tens of millions of dollars to this family – there is no discernible service. They have still not explained what they got this money for. What were they doing in return for our legitimate business enterprise? So, it begs the question about this being an intelligence operation.”

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