MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said Tuesday on his show “Morning Joe” that Republican Party is to blame for mass shootings while reacting to a mass shooting in East Lansing, MI on the campus of Michigan State University.

Scarborough said, “What’s wrong with the country? More specifically, what’s wrong with state legislatures? What’s wrong with governors? What’s wrong with members of Congress? What’s wrong with elected leaders? They don’t do everything that they can to stop mass shootings in America. This does not happen in other industrialized nations.”

Co-host Mika Brzezinski said, “This is an American problem.”

Scarborough said, “It is not just about mental health. It’s not about video games. It’s not about any of the things that the apologists for the gun lobby says it is. This is about guns and the proliferation of guns, the continued proliferation of guns.”

He continued, “Ninety percent of Americans support universal background checks, but the people stopping that they’d rather talk about the three trans athletes in Utah. Or they’d rather talk about the 0.003% of the population that’s driving them crazy. They’d rather talk about gas stove stoves. They’d rather talk about Dr. Seuss. They always find distractions instead of talking about the fact we have mass shootings every day and our children can’t go to school safely without worrying about being shot. Parents can’t send their young babies to school without worrying about being shot. This continues.”

Scarborough added, “There’s just no other way to put it. It’s the Republican party that’s allowing this to continue to happen in America. Let me say, as you look at those haunted faces, it is the Republican party. It is the Republican party that allows this gun culture to spread. We have mass shootings every single day.”

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