Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that there was no “law that can stop that evil” when asked about the death of Tyre Nichols.

Host Chuck Todd asked, “Let me start with what we saw. Senator Tim Scott said, ‘We’ve been here too many times before. We cannot continue down this path. America cannot stand silent. Let it serve as a call to action for every lawmaker in our nation at every level.’ What action would you like to see, Congressman?”

Jordan said, “I don’t know that there is any law that can stop that evil that we saw. That is just, I mean, just difficult to watch. What strikes me is a lack of respect for human life. So I don’t know that any law, any training, any reform is going to change, you know, this man was handcuffed. They continued to beat him. I was actually reminded, it is hard to watch the whole thing, but as I watched, I was reminded of when we had a hearing probably two years ago when George Floyd’s brother came and testified in front of the Judiciary Committee, and it was one of those moments where fact and truth and emotion all came together, and he said something at that hearing, actually during the questioning portion of the hearing, he said, ‘life is precious.’ And it was one of those moments that grabbed everyone in that hearing, both parties. The fact we saw that these individuals, these five individuals, did not have any respect for life. Again, I don’t think these five guys represent the vast, vast majority of law enforcement, but I don’t know there is anything you can do to stop the kind of evil we saw in that video.”

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