On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr (R) stated that most of the people who engaged in the riots in Atlanta over the weekend are from outside of the state of Georgia and the rioters are coming from outside the state to oppose something the community wants.

Carr said, [relevant remarks begin around 1:30] “[T]he folks that have engaged in this violence have said the community is opposed to it. I disagree. The community has asked for better-trained police officers. The city of Atlanta right now is training in an old elementary school that leaks when it rains and you can’t drink the water. We know that a better-trained police force is not just a safer police officer, it’s a safer community. And if the community, the Georgia and Atlanta-based community were so opposed to it, why are we arresting people from around the country? Again, as you said, the vast majority of these folks are coming from out of state. And I want to be crystal clear, you will not come to the state of Georgia and engage in this kind of activity and not be held accountable.”

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