Scalise on FAA Stoppage: We Give Transportation Department Plenty of Money, They Just Waste It

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow,” House Majority Leader Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) stated that the FAA ground stoppage is yet another example of problems at the Department of Transportation and said, “We’re sending them a lot of money. They’re just not doing a good job spending that money.”

Scalise said, “Biden is spending hundreds of billions of dollars trying to double that agency [the IRS] so they can go out and force lower-income people to pay more in taxes. CBO even confirmed that, by the way. And so, how about we cut back things like that? Not only would you save money, but you don’t have these bureaucrats going and harassing families, trying to tell you even can’t use a gas stove for God’s sake. If they’re spending their time trying to look at stuff like that — you look at, every other week, it seems like we’ve got a crisis over at the Transportation Department. It’s [FAA] today. It was Southwest before. It was a supply chain problem. We’re sending them a lot of money. They’re just not doing a good job spending that money. And the people in charge, the secretaries, the President himself, where is the accountability, where’s the competence?”

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