On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) discussed the prospect of cuts to defense spending and argued that American national defense can be more efficient and effective and that because we have had audits of the Pentagon, we know “where they failed to actually deliver on some of the authorities.” Gaetz also argued that “it’s a pretty easy case to make that some of this money that we send to Ukraine without requisite accountability should be the first place for a reduction.”

Gaetz said, [relevant remarks begin around 2:45] “I represent the district that has the highest concentration of active-duty military in the country, and we can defend this country and project power more efficiently and more effectively than we do. President Trump was the first President to demand an audit of the Pentagon. … [W]e got an audit so we show where they failed to actually deliver on some of the authorities. And how about we start with Ukraine before we reduce what we do for our troops, I think it’s a pretty easy case to make that some of this money that we send to Ukraine without requisite accountability should be the first place for a reduction.”

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