During portions of an interview with NBC News aired on Tuesday’s edition of “Top Story,” Monroe County, FL Sheriff Rick Ramsay (R) said that “There doesn’t seem to be a plan from the federal government” to handle the increase in migrant landings in south Florida and that if there is a plan, it’s not working. Ramsey also said that the number of landings jumped went from once every week or two to two, three landings a day “several months ago,” and now hit ten in one day.
Ramsay said, “We’ve been experienc[ing], in the past, we’d have a migrant landing every week or two. But several months ago, our landings started turning into two, three landings a day. We’re seeing — yesterday, we had ten migrant landings.”
He also stated, “There doesn’t seem to be a plan from the federal government. If asked, I’m sure they’d tell you they’ve got a plan. But we’d like to see it. And if they have it, it doesn’t seem to be working on this environment.”
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