Michael Moore: More Americans Want Democrats than Republicans – ‘We Are the Majority’

Left-wing activist and filmmaker Michael Moore said Thursday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that more Americans wanted Democrats in power than Republicans, given the results of the 2022 midterm elections.

Moore said, “I understand why so many people bought into the narrative, the false narrative that it was going to be a red wave. People are afraid. We have gone through four years of Trump, gone through all this stuff. I get it. But we have to stop listening to these false narratives and trust ourselves. We are the majority of this country. There are more Democrats registered in this country than Republicans. We have won seven of the last eight presidential elections with the popular vote. More people want us than they want the Republicans. We just have to start believing in that and start operating from that place.”

He continued, “We should be thinking about 2024. everybody gets to work now on getting an abortion amendment on your ballot. Get a raise in the minimum wage on the ballot and marijuana legalization. All these will bring out the Democratic base and have a strong 2024, but it has to start now.”

Michael Moore added, “They say at the Thanksgiving Day Parade, they start the next day, we’re starting the next day.”

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