Sears: ‘I Could Not Support’ Trump in 2024, Underperformance of Candidates He Endorsed Shows Voters ‘Want a Different Leader’

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast,” Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears (R) said she “could not support” former President Donald Trump if he runs in 2024 and that “it is time to move on” because voters “have said that they want a different leader.” And in 2022, “Republicans on the same ticket who he did not endorse overperformed, whereas his candidates totally underperformed, by as much as 10 points.”

Sears said, “Well, his administration, when it came to the economy, helped us because black unemployment was the lowest it had ever been historically. And then, of course, when it came to education, he forgave — his administration — the loans that historically black colleges and universities had owed that they could never repay, even, by the way, provided a permanent funding stream. And then safety, forced NATO to bring their fair share, only 2% of their GDP. But when we look at the mission — and as a Marine, we’re looking at the mission — and the voters have spoken, and they have said that they want a different leader. And a true leader understands when they have become a liability. A true leader understands that it’s time to step off the stage, and the voters have given us that very clear message.”

Host Neil Cavuto then asked, “So, does that imply, within the Republican Party, Lieutenant Governor, to Donald Trump, that it’s time to step off the stage?”

Sears responded, “Yes. A house divided against itself cannot stand, and, indeed, that’s where we are today. And, as I said before, America is the prize. Why do we want to win elections? It’s because we’ve got to learn to love each other, live together, govern together. And the voters are saying enough is enough.”

Cavuto then asked, “So, if the party wants to move on — or some in the party, such as yourself, Lieutenant Governor, maybe Gov. Youngkin feels the same way, but Donald Trump still makes a speech next week that he wants to run for president, what would you think about that?”

Sears answered, “I could not support him. I just couldn’t. Because we have seen, for example, in those states where he has endorsed the candidates, in fact, Republicans on the same ticket who he did not endorse overperformed, whereas his candidates totally underperformed, by as much as 10 points. We have a clear mission, and it is time to move on.”

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