During CNN’s election coverage on Wednesday, CNN Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger said that President Joe Biden’s remark in his post-election press conference on Wednesday that he won’t do anything different in the wake of the 2022 midterms because his achievements will take time for people to recognize is a bad answer that is “insulting people” given that large majorities of the country believe that the country is headed in the wrong direction and think that we are already in a recession.

Borger stated, “Here was sort of the thing that struck me, which is when he was asked would you change anything, he said, no. Now, you have 75% of the country saying that we’re headed in the wrong direction. 75% believe we are in a recession. And then the President — you know, in a way to try to brag about himself and what he’s done, of course, and to talk about how Republicans would threaten your Social Security and your Medicare, he said he just wouldn’t do anything different because of course, our achievements take a long time to be recognized. That’s insulting people. And I don’t think that was a good answer from the President.”

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