CNN anchor Victor Blackwell said Monday on “Newsroom” that Republicans were inciting political violence like the attack on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) husband, Paul.

Political analyst Alice Stewart said, “Nancy Pelosi, being third in line to the presidency, it’s chilling. It’s chilling to see the images and hear the stories, and this makes a tremendous national security issue. Again this is about political rhetoric that led to political violence, and that goes on both sides of the aisle.”

She added, “It’s important to remember this happens on both sides of the aisle, and it’s incumbent on both Republicans and Democrats to lower the temperature on divisive rhetoric.”

Blackwell said, “I’m want to go back to what Alice said that this happens on both sides. When you say both sides, it is the Republican Party, many, many of them in leadership who are telling their voters that your election was stolen. That is not true. It is Republicans who are telling – and not all Republicans I’m saying some on the fringe but it’s moved to the center – the QAnon conspiracies that there are Democratic leaders who are leading circles or abusing children, drinking blood. That Democrats hate God, hate the country. When you say this happened on both sides, you have to consider what this man said, why he was there. He said that he did not leave because like American founding fathers with the British he was fighting against tyranny. Who told him he was fighting against tyranny? Many of the people who are on the ballot on the Republican ticket. So when you say both sides consider why he was there and who fed him that.”

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