Job Creators Network’s Parker on Blocking Biden’s Student Debt Bailout: ‘We Have a Very Strong Case’

Job Creators Network Foundation president Elaine Parker said Monday on Fox Business Network’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast” that they have a very strong legal case to block President Joe Biden’s student debt forgiveness program.

Cavuto said, “I’m just wondering where this all goes, Elaine, because the administration is going full throttle with this. Legal challenges popping up all across the country, including with your group. I’m wondering where does it end, do you think?”

Parker said, “It will end hopefully tomorrow when we have our chance to argue for a preliminary injunction. We’re certainly thankful that the 8th Circuit issued that administrative stay on Friday because the president and administration were certainly poised to begin debt forgiveness.”

She continued, “Thankfully, no money went out the door before we have the opportunity to argue our case and block this. Now the 8th Circuit, of course, didn’t weigh in on any of the merits of the case. They simple put a pause on things so we could work through some of these legal issues.”

Parker added, “We’re asking for a preliminary injunction that will block this illegal mandate and allow the courts to work through all of the merits of the case, which we think we have a very strong case to win.”

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