During an interview released on Friday’s “Fox News Rundown” podcast, Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) stated that President Joe Biden and Democrats “should have been talking more seriously about the economy and the plan a year ago.” And there were Democrats who argued, “it’s temporary, and let’s not talk about it. And that was a crap suggestion.”
Slotkin stated, [relevant remarks begin around 5:15] “I have said this over and over, both publicly and privately since last November, every single White House press conference since, I think, last November should have started about the economy, that we should have been talking more seriously about the economy and the plan a year ago. And I’ll be honest, there were people who – on my side of the aisle, who were like, look, it’s temporary, and let’s not talk about it. And that was a crap suggestion.”
She added that the Biden administration or any future one can’t “just fire a silver bullet and fix inflation with one blow.”
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