GOP Rep. Brady: Dems Ignore Inflation for Jan. 6 Hearings Because They Only Care about ‘Their Agenda’ and Not Regular People

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Fox Business Tonight,” House Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) argued that the “tone-deafness” of Congressional Democrats spending all day on January 6 hearings on the same day that the Consumer Price Index shows inflation rising is an example of Democrats ignoring what working families need and solely focusing on their agenda items.

Host Sean Duffy said, [relevant exchange begins around 4:05] “I would think with these numbers coming out, that Democrats would have said, listen, I want every single member back to Washington, we’ve got to figure out what we Democrats have gotten wrong, we’ve got to figure out how we fix this for the American people, we have to have emergency meetings. But that’s not what happened today, Congressman. They’re having January 6 hearings, instead of talking about the issues that really matter to people, which is the economy. Make any sense to you?”

Brady responded, “No, it doesn’t. But this has been the whole two years of one-party rule, which is their agenda, forget what working families and middle-class families need. We have a radical agenda, we’re going to force it down your throat. And the tone-deafness you just described, that’s what we’ve been seeing. It’s time for a change.”

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