MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said Tuesday on his show “Morning Joe” that he believes American right-wing politics “bears no comparison” to Jesus Christ’s teachings in the Bible.

Scarborough said, “If you actually read, as I tell people to do, not just for politics but for life, read the red letters and the Gospels, read what Jesus actually said.”

He continued, “What you will see time and again, is Jesus talking about in Matthew 25, 31-46, the disciples say what do we have to do to go to heaven, give a cup of water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, give hope to the hopeless. You can go through. It talks about forgiveness, talks about turning the other cheek, which a member of the Trump family said that’s just wrong. You have these people calling themselves Christian Nationalists who actually have created this civic, this religion, this political religion that bears no comparison to Jesus’ teachings.”

Scarborough added, “And if I’m upsetting anybody, it’s only because they haven’t read the Bible. They just hold it up sideways as a shield for their political beliefs. Politics shapes their faith instead of their faith shaping their politics.”

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