Brooks: ‘Nothing’ Biden Can Do on Gas Prices, ‘He’s Doing What He Can’ and ‘Inflation Is Survivable,’ Defeating Russia Is ‘Main Thing’

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks argued that there isn’t anything President Joe Biden can do about gas prices going up in the wake of OPEC+’s decision to cut its oil production, Biden “tried” to keep the Saudis from cutting their oil production, “and that failed. And so, he’s doing what he can.” And that “inflation is survivable,” “the main thing is to win the war in Ukraine.”

Host Amna Nawaz asked, “Inflation is likely to persist. Gas prices are going to go up. Is he doing enough to respond to all that?”

Brooks responded, “There’s nothing he can do. Inflation — I mean, he tried to get the Saudis not to do this, and that failed. And so, he’s doing what he can. He’s going to have to face the inflation. I think that the main thing is to win the war in Ukraine. Like, the inflation is survivable, but this could be an epochal victory for the forces of liberal democracy if Ukraine does this. And so, helping the Europeans, preparing the Americans, and then ultimately aiding the Ukrainians, that’s the number one thing in the world right now.”

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