House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Monday on CBS’s “The Late Show” that she believes Democrats will keep control of the House after the November midterm elections.

Colbert asked, “In 2018, when you were sitting right there in that chair, you came on here, and you predicted that the Democrats were going to pick up seats in the Congress on a large scale. They did. They picked up 40 seats in the House, a real wave. What is your prediction for the election that’s a little bit more than a month away? Madam Speaker, you have the floor.”

Pelosi said, “Well, I’m so glad you asked that question because I believe that we will win the — hold the House. We will hold the House by winning more seats. We won the 40 seats, then we lost some when Trump was on the ballot, we lost some of the Trump districts, but we held enough seats to hold the House with him on the ballot. He’s not on the ballot now.”

She added, “Did I say his name? I didn’t mean to.”

Colbert said, “We will have the videotapes fumigated.”

Pelosi said, “Perhaps you can bleep that out.”

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