On Friday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “National Report,” Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX) argued that the United States can’t be the only country supplying assets to Ukraine and needs more help from other nations because the U.S. isn’t just spending a lot of money, it’s draining its weapons supply.
Williams said, “I mean, we’ve got money going to Ukraine, which is fine, but also, we’ve got a real situation on our border. We need to be putting money there. And now, with the tragedy in Florida, we’re going to have to probably do some things there. So, this is a bad, bad bill. I’ll be voting against it.”
He added, “I think what we’ve seen is Russia really is not as strong as we — as many people thought they were from a military standpoint. … [T]his war with Ukraine has basically gone on too long. We’ve supplied them with a lot of money and a lot of equipment. They’ve done a wonderful job. We need to get help from other countries, though, because, from a U.S. standpoint, it’s not only money we’re spending, they’ve actually — a lot of it could be spent at our border, which is paramount to me living in Texas. But also look at the weapons that we’re supplying and we’re going to have to replenish our supply for future needs. So, we need more help from the worldwide community. We need to just not be the one that is supplying all the assets to Ukraine.”
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