While speaking to CNN Chief Congressional Correspondent Manu Raju in exchanges aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of “AC360,” Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) said the question of whether she’d support restrictions on abortion in the third trimester is “about whether you’re going to take rights away from half the population and whether politicians are going to insert themselves” into exam rooms and Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) said abortion should be legal even in the third trimester.
Raju pointed out that “Republicans hope voters will view the Democratic position as extreme, since they do not support restrictions, even in the third trimester of a pregnancy, a position voiced to CNN by two vulnerable Democrats.”
Raju then played a clip of Hassan saying, “Again, this is about whether you’re going to take rights away from half the population and whether politicians are going to insert themselves into an examining room during very complicated and tragic and difficult circumstances.”
In another clip, Bennet said, “Whether it’s a woman making the decision in the first trimester or third trimester, this should be a decision between a woman and her doctor.”
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