On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) responded to President Joe Biden invoking the rule of law during his speech on Thursday by stating that Biden doesn’t care at all about the rule of law given his failure to enforce the law on the border and unilateral cancellation of student loan debt without Congress.

DeSantis said, “Well, look, he talks about rule of law. What has he done? He’s violated his oath of office to take care that the laws are faithfully executed by opening the border. He’s not following the law there. Look what he did with the student loan bailout. Congress never authorized that. He’s citing a law from September 11 to somehow give loan forgiveness and put it on the backs of the taxpayer for people with degrees in gender studies. So, spare me this idea of the rule of law. He doesn’t give a darn about the rule of law. And yes, the only Republicans he likes are Republicans that want him to get his way. If you stand up against his bad policies, like we do in Florida, then, of course, he’s going to try to write you out over who’s acceptable as an American citizen.”

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