FNC’s Pirro: There’s ‘Egg on the Face’ of Garland, FBI, DOJ

Jeanine Pirro told her co-hosts Tuesday on FNC’s “The Five” that Attorney General Merrick Garland has egg on his face after the FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s Florida estate.

Pirro said, “Let’s remember who is conducting this hearing on Thursday, the same judge who signed the warrant, OK? So you’ve got this judge who signed a warrant that apparently was messed up from the get-go. I’ll tell you why, if it were a search warrant and they made a decision to go beyond with a court order, they had to be some exigent circumstances, had to be some emergency. Then we find out that Merrick Garland waited weeks before he actually made a final decision on that. Then we find out that even before then, in June, the president was cooperating with the National Archives people who sent him a thank you note for cooperating.”

She continued, “With this hearing, the judge has to decide, look, we’ve got the American public’s interest in this, but the Department of Justice is saying, no, we don’t want you to release this affidavit, the basis for the warrant because we think it will compromise whatever investigation we are doing, that it will cause harm, and that it doesn’t serve the public interest.”

She added, “The former president is saying, release it, I care what it says, I’m not worried about what it says. So this judge is in a box. The judge has to say, wait a minute, we’ve got the defendant himself, the wannabe defendant, saying, let it all out. The judge then has to decide, was it a wholesale fishing expedition? Now he knows Americans are tuned into this.”

Pirro added, “In the end, this judge, I think, is going to make a decision that it’s got to be released, that they will only redact certain parts of it. I think there is egg on the face of Merrick Garland,  the Department of Justice and the FBI.”

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