Ron Johnson: FBI Must ‘Restore’ Integrity

Thursday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Hannity,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) discussed his view that the FBI was in need of reforms on the heels of the raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home earlier this week.

Johnson detailed how he had been a target of the agency and urged rank-and-file members of the FBI to come forward if they knew of abuses by the agency.

“You know, in August, the whistleblowers told Chuck Grassley in August 2020, the FBI developed a scheme to downplay the disparaging information on Hunter Biden to basically deep six it,” Johnson said. “That exact same month, Senator Grassley and I received unsolicited briefings that we both knew were set-ups, They told us nothing. We asked at the time who directed these briefings? Two years later, Sean, we don’t know who direct those briefings, and they were set ups because nine months later, those briefings were leaked to The New York Times or The Washington Post to smear me.”

“So this corruption has run deep,” he continued. “It’s been running deep since the Hillary Clinton email scandal. Remember the editing of the James Comey exoneration email, where they changed phrases like grossly negligent to cares — extremely careless to avoid the criminal terminology. So I do not trust uh, the FBI, don’t trust the upper echelons of the Department of Justice.”

“Again, the rank and file, those individuals, if you want to see integrity restored to your agencies, you need to come forward,,” Johnson added. “We’ll maintain your anonymity, but we need to talk to you to restore credibility to your agencies.”

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