Democratic strategist Paul Begala said Thursday on CNN’s “Don Lemon Tonight” that it was an enormous problem with Democrats attacking President Joe Biden instead of attacking Republicans.

Anchor Don Lemon said, “Ninety-four percent of Democratic primary voters under 30 want someone else to run in 2024, that is what the future of the party wants. The question is, will they get?”

Begala said, “He is kinda like that guy in the old country song. If it wasn’t for bad luck, I would have any luck at all. You know Russia invades Ukraine, inflation spikes, The Supreme Court throws out 50 years of a woman’s right to choose, there is a new coronavirus variant and monkeypox. The guy has had a pretty rotten string of luck. This problem with young people is acute, and you are right to signal it. In the election, Biden’s strongest age cohort was18 to 30-year-olds. The youngest voters were his strongest. He had 60%. I just saw a poll where he was at 25%. That is in part because some of the other leaders of his party are undermining him, undermining him with younger voters.”

He added, “They are attacking him instead of attacking Republicans. It is an enormous problem. He has this huge, broad coalition. They are in the same boat. Some of the people in the boat are punching holes in it and complaining that Biden is getting them wet.”

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