McCaul on Relationship Between China, Russia: ‘This Is a Wake-Up Call’

This week on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Night in America,” Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) sounded the alarm over the relationship between China and Russia.

According to McCaul, the “unholy alliance” is “dangerous.” He added it should be “a wake-up call” to the world.

“It’s very dangerous. I call it an unholy alliance,” McCaul emphasized. “It happened at the Beijing Olympics. Putin told him he was going to invade Ukraine, by the way, and President Xi fully supports that. At the same time, Putin supports President Xi’s efforts to invade Taiwan and take over the South China Sea.”

“You know, the parallels to my father’s war, World War II, are so striking here,” he added. “When I was in Poland, they talked about 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland; when you look at President Xi’s threat to Taiwan, South Pacific, the interesting point here … is that the Solomon Islands, that my father’s generation liberated in World War II, was taken over by Taiwan because they basically bought them off and signed a security agreement. Those islands now are in hands of the PRC and President Xi, communist China. This is a wake-up call like I have never seen.”

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