Former Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) said Thursday on “CNN Tonight” that the only thing that would be more problematic than prosecuting former President Donald Trump is not prosecuting him when “he clearly committed crimes.”

Reacting to the latest January 6th House select committee hearing, Franken said, “The only thing worse than prosecuting him is not prosecuting him. He clearly committed crimes. It’s so evident. This is why I said watching this today was pathetic and tragic. Clearly, he knew he lost. His only defense, I guess, is insanity. But I don’t think that washes. I just think he’s just a malignant narcissist. I think he is just an awful human being. And clearly, he knew he lost. He said before the election, if I win, then it was a fair election. If I lose, it was fixed. I mean, what else do you need to hear?”

Correspondent Audie Cornish said, “During the hearing, I think this is what they outlined in the first two days, this idea of the setup and leading up to this moment.”

She added, “They are talking about what the motive was and his ability and power and understanding to potentially incite violence, and they are showing people who heard those words and acted on them. Clearly, lawmakers are trying to lay something out as easily as possible.”

Franken added, “This guy tried to destroy our democracy.”

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