Dem Rep. Garcia: ‘We’re Putting the NRA Before Children’s Lives’

Representative Sylvia Garcia (D-TX) said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “José Díaz-Balart Reports” that Republican lawmakers are putting the NRA “before children’s lives” by not voting for gun legislation.

Reporter Garrett Haake asked, “To what do you attribute the recalcitrance on the other side of the aisle on this issue? When you look at background checks, expanding age limits, these are 80-20 issues in the country where 80% don’t agree on anything. The NRA is not what it used to be in terms of political power. What keeps, do you think, your Republican colleagues from crossing the aisle more frequently on these issues?”

Garcia said, “I think it’s still the NRA, it’s still the Gun Owners of America, it’s still the fear of retaliation as was done with the congressman who announced last week that he was going to just suspend his race.”

Haake added, “In Buffalo.”

Garcia said, “Yeah, because he had decided that he was going to vote for this package and people just retaliated against him. It’s fear. It’s the donations. It’s the hot button issue. They don’t want to give Joe Biden a win or the Democrats a win. It’s just horrific that we’re putting top political issues ahead of children’s lives. We’re putting the NRA before children’s lives. We’re putting our own political careers before children’s lives. People need to act, people are demanding it, and we need to do it now.”

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