Dem Sen. Murphy: Not Passing Gun Reform Could Mean ‘Failure for Our Entire Democracy’

Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that if gun reform measures were not passed, “the consequences of failure for our entire democracy are more significant than ever.”

Anchor Jake Tapper said, “Does it have to happen this week? Is this do or die week? And would President Biden getting involved in negotiations help?

Murphy said, “I think the Senate needs to do this ourselves. I’ve talked to the White House every single day since these negotiations began. But right now, the Senate needs to handle these negotiations. I think this week, we need to have concepts to present to our colleagues. I don’t know that we’re going to vote this coming week, but we need to make decisions on whether or not we have a sustainable package in the next five days.”

Tapper said, “I know you’re prepared to fail. You’ve been through this for, I don’t know how long now, years and years, more than a decade. Is it going to work? Are you going to get there?”

Murphy said, “I’m more confident than ever that we’re going to get there, but I’m also more anxious about failure this time around. When I was in Connecticut last week, I’ve never seen the look on parents’ faces that I did. There’s just a deep, deep fear for our children right now. And also a fear that government is so fundamentally broken that it can’t put politics aside to guarantee the one thing that matters most to adults in this country, the physical safety of their children. So, I think the possibility of success is better than ever before. But I think the consequences of failure for our entire democracy are more significant than ever.”

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