Dem Rep. McBath: ‘We Have a Public Health Crisis’ with Gun Violence

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force Vice Chair Rep. Lucy McBath (D-GA) argued that people will go to the polls in the 2022 midterms over the issue of gun violence, “Because we have a public health crisis here.”

McBath said, “My number one policy agenda in my very first campaign was gun violence prevention, gun safety. And there again, here we are, even in this election, people know me specifically for my work on gun safety, gun violence prevention. And I can assure you there will be far more numbers of people that go to the polls this fall, and this will be a policy for them that they will go to the polls on. Because we have a public health crisis here. And, you know, on Tuesday, I was standing at the podium after having just been reelected, and the solemn irony was not lost on me that, on the same day Georgia sent me, a mother on a mission, back to Congress again to help keep our kids and our families safe was the very same day that 19 children and two teachers were gunned down senselessly. And again and again, we continue to see these tragedies.”

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