During Wednesday’s broadcast of “The Faulkner Focus” on Fox News Channel, Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) responded to Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams’ claims that voter suppression and increased turnout are not related.

Ernst said Abrams “has this all wrong” and was “promoting the big lie” that the GOP wanted to “suppress votes.”

“Stacey Abrams has this all wrong,” Ernst advised. “When you are saying there is voter suppression, and yet, we see increases year-over-year of voter turnout, she is promoting the big lie out there that we are trying to suppress votes all across the United States by making sure that our elections are secure.”

“We have seen this even in Iowa, where we have strengthened voter security laws, and you know what? Voter turnout continues to go up,” she continued. “So, Stacey Abrams is trying to promote a fallacy out there. She is lying to voters across the state of Georgia, and there is nothing to see here other than trying to make sure elections are secure. And I do hope we have strong voter turnout out there. I think it is important that people participate in the elections process. But again, she is trying to promote something that simply is not happening.”

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