Thursday, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) slammed President Joe Biden and his administration over the nationwide baby formula shortage.
Cotton said the FDA was at the “root” of the shortage and called the crisis “rank, reprehensible incompetence by the Biden administration.”
“The formula shortage is rank, reprehensible incompetence by the Biden administration,” Cotton argued. “They should have taken these steps months ago. The steps they are taking now won’t have a major effect for months to come. The FDA should have gotten off its duff long ago and authorized that plant in Michigan to reopen. There are other steps it could be taking, yet it still continues to drown any solution in bureaucratic red tape — steps like importing formula from Canada.”
He continued, “The FDA at root is one of the main reasons why we have this formula shortage. Contrast it to the FDA under the Trump administration. We produced a vaccine in less than a year — vaccines that normally take years, if not decades that we would not have done obviously if Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden had been president when that pandemic started. But now, the FDA … is back to its old ways. Not only are they not creating breakthrough new medicines – they are creating an artificial shortage of baby formula for America’s children and parents.”
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