Republican Pennsylvania Senate hopeful Mehmet Oz on Monday expressed caution in referring to the 2020 presidential election as “rigged.”

Oz, in an interview with Real America’s Voice’s “The Water Cooler,” acknowledged there was “mischievousness” in the election that should be examined.

“‘Not move on’ means there’s so many different things that happened, as you really, really examine it,” Oz emphasized. “As a physician, you know, I like to get into the details. I’ve talked to individuals who say their votes weren’t counted — went to the polls and claimed that someone had already voted with their absentee ballot. There’s so many questions, and not just about the absentee ballots but the fact they don’t have voter ID here. That opened up the whole system to mischievousness.”

“We have got to understand the different ways where cheating occurred so we can, first of all, identify how much happened, but also make sure that it never happens again,” he added.

Host David Brody asked the Senate candidate if he would describe the 2020 election as “rigged and stolen” like former President Donald Trump, who has endorsed Oz in the race.

“I want to be careful,” Oz replied. “Republicans are about fixing things. I know for sure we’ve got to deal with 2020, but this is about doing exactly what the diagnosis is so we can give it the right treatment.

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