During a Thursday interview on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) weighed in on the Department of Justice reportedly putting a “threat” tag on parents who spoke out at school board meetings over coronavirus policies.

Jordan argued the Department of Justice labeled parents as threats in a move “designed” to “chill free speech.”

“We do know in one of those situations when they actually interviewed the person who put the complaint in, who went to the snitch line that was established to put the complaint in, they said, ‘Well, we didn’t know of any threats or any real crime. We just knew we didn’t like what these people were about,’ that they were, you know, bad people, they were conservative, whatever name. So, there was no evidence, and yet that person was reported,” Jordan explained. “This threat tag designation, this label was associated with their name, and they were investigated by the FBI, which is exactly what we said was going to happen.”

He continued, “And the chilling impact — this is the big concern because it’s part of a bigger pattern — you know, two weeks ago we learned about the Disinformation Governance Board; now, we know what we had concerns about with school boards and parents with the attorney general’s memo that played out that way. And it’s all designed, Bill, to chill First Amendment activity, to chill free speech, and that’s the thing that concerns me more than anything else because it played out just like we thought.”

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