Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that if the Supreme Court overturned the Roe. v. Wade decision, “LGBTQ+ equality” is in danger.

Gillibrand said, “The argument that if we take away the filibuster, Mitch McConnell and Republicans across the country are going to do bad things. Those bad things are literally already happening. We have a Supreme Court that is unrelated to the normal process of the American people. When those Supreme Court justices say that precedent is the foundation of our legal system and said Roe v. Wade is precedent that’s entitled to respect under the laws of stare decisis, imply to every American they have no agenda to overturn Roe v. Wade and then go ahead and do it, we’re treating our rights and privileges in America in a way that no person imagined would happen.”

She added, “And so I don’t think the argument that Mitch McConnell will do bad things is persuasive at this point. They’re already happening. He already took away justice from Barack Obama. He already stacked the court with ultraconservative justices. They already now have a ruling that may well be applied in many contexts. When you say life, liberty and pursuit of happiness does not create some right to privacy, then every other right under right to privacy could be at risk, whether it’s LGBTQ+ equality, whether it’s marriage equality, literally any right that’s been decided over the past 50 years.

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