On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said that if the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board had been around a few years ago, it might have cracked down on discussion of the Wuhan lab leak theory.

Cotton stated, [relevant remarks begin around 4:55] “Disinformation to the Democrats is anything that’s inconvenient to Joe Biden and the Democrats. Maybe if this board had been in place two years ago, they would have cracked down on me for saying that this coronavirus almost certainly came from the labs in Wuhan, maybe they would have cracked down on all the Americans who said that masks were not terribly effective against this virus or that vaccinated people can get the virus, all are things which have been proven true so far. And as for the woman who’s been appointed to this position, I mean, she appears to be mentally unstable. Like so many of the Biden administration appointees, if you look at their social media, they appear to be mentally unstable. She has no business refereeing political disputes about differing opinions.”

Back in 2020, Jankowicz criticized the lab leak theory as “preying on people’s desires to know more about the situation” in a BuzzFeed article critical of the theory.

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