Dem Rep. Cardenas on Student Debt: Biden ‘Going to Do Something Significant’ — ‘Possibly’ Up to $50K

During a Sunday interview on MSNBC’s “American Voices,” Rep. Tony Cardenas (D-CA) advised that President Joe Biden said in a recent private meeting with Democrats that he was going to forgive a large number of Americans of their student loan debt.

Despite a moratorium on student loans, which are now not expected to go into effect again until August, Cardenas said Biden told the group of Democrats that he would “do something significant,” and it was “possibly” going to be up to $50,000 worth of relief.

“In our meeting, the president smiled immediately and said first of all, when it comes to extending [the moratorium], he said, Tony, I’ve extended it before, and you’re going to like what I do next,” Cardenas explained.

“And then I said, well, how about the $10,000 or more of student loan forgiveness?” he continued. “Once again, he smiled; he says, ‘Tony, I’m working on it. You are going like what I do. I’ve known President Biden for some time before he became president. He’s a man of his word. He gave us all of the answers we wanted to hear, but he’s going to do something, and it’s going to be significant. Is it going to be up to $50,000? Possibly.”

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