On Tuesday, Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) weighed in on the “genocide” going on in Ukraine at what appears to be at the hands of the Russians.

Green emphasized the need to provide Ukraine with additional resources to stem Russia’s invasion but lamented how slow the Department of Defense has been.

“Interestingly enough, the Congress is completely united on this,” Green outlined. “I mean, there are a few on the extremes that say no, but the vast majority of Congress is united on getting as much as we possibly can. The problem is that the D.O.D. bureaucracies can’t keep up.”

Green noted that President Joe Biden has not been leading on the world stage. He added the president “has done nothing but empower and embolden” Russian President Vladimir Putin with his policy decisions.

“We’ve got France and the U.K. asking us for more sanctions. They are leading, not Biden,” he advised. “America is supposed to be the leader of the free world, and Joe Biden has put us in, you know, third or fourth or fifth place. But we need more sanctions. They need to be dominating and crushing on the Russian economy — not this stairstep stuff that Joe Biden has done that has done nothing but empower and embolden Putin.”

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