Kinzinger: Putin Using Chemical Weapons ‘Very Real Possibility’

Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said Tuesday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” that he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin would use chemical weapons in Ukraine to further his invasion.

Kinzinger said, “We are kind of allowing Vladimir Putin to set the battle tempo.”

He added, “I don’t want to say this as a point to say we are not doing anything, significantly we are, and the Ukrainians with their fighting spirit are showing that. But man, I do worry about what happens when this goes into chemical weapons. I think the president should make it very clear that the weapons of mass destruction is a very, very bright red line that NATO will enforce.”

Cooper said, “Do you think it likely? I mean, obviously, we have seen in Syria the use of chemical weapons. Obviously, in Russia, they have used them one on one against individuals that have spoke out against Vladimir Putin or have somehow angered him in Russia and in Europe. Do you think it is a very real possibility chemical weapons could be used here?”

Kinzinger said, “Yeah, I do. I think it’s a very real possibility. I think Vladimir Putin has made it clear he doesn’t want to lose. He can’t lose. His military is trying their best trying to lose it for him given the logistics and everything.”

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